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reviews from the trade press

click on the image of each magazine to read the entire review

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Yes, there are still hidden gems in the cozy Kempen. Bluewire is one of them. Bluegrass, americana, jazz, folk, blues,… it is all hidden in their CD Tip Jar Legacy. 'Old hands in the business' is the least you can say about this band. These are clearly top musicians with an eye for detail and love for the profession! That's how we like to hear it ...

Luminous Dash

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In short, an anthology of - mainly - American gems. No frills, only honest acoustic music - the bass is also a fender Jazz bass - exactly as if you are enjoying a concert hall.

Folk Magazine

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“..een aangenaam en heerlijk luisterbaar geheel

Real Roots Café - NL


On this Tip Jar Legacy we find a mix of styles where Folk is somewhat predominant…

But also Spanish-tinted Tex Mex is not strange for this five piece when you listen to “Las Golondrinas” or “Otro Vasito” as if Bluewire is suddenly transformed into a Mariachi band ...

Jazzy I personally find this Bluewire the most interesting and so they put a bit of swing and manouche in “It's A Sin To Tell A Lie” ...

“Jazzonia” .. for which Walter Pelckmans has written a surprising arrangement. With “Just Now” ... they even bring an original that can stand proudly alongside these covers ...

All 15 good!


De repertoirekeuze is opvallend, maar daardoor juist ook verrassendegen..

New Folk Sounds

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